Hey, here you can read the most intrinsic and raw level of thoughts and find answers to why & how’s to your questions around me.
Who am I? Just another 🙍🏻‍♀️ Girl in the city. Definitely building upon the life which my 12 year old self wanted. Being strong, independent and growing individual. Life and its experiences gives you all in all different perspectives about everything, that is why I’m someone who lives in shades of grey rather than being all black and white. I love to discuss opinions and grab a few more which enhances my pre-existing ones. This makes me porous to in take other perspectives and to understand others.
Who am I outside my Art-board? More like a coconut 🥥, who tries to maintain a hard core with a soft shell and a lot lot of emotions as the water inside. A person who enjoys being her own company and finds her place in a group. I love to listen, share and talk on intellectual levels to people. Who can roast you to the limits we grow in the bond we have, thus respect your space as well. I try to do things on my own, from packing my bags to moving heavy weights :P emotional ones as well. That makes me self sufficient and learn from others by grabbing ideas and help.

As a designer

Strongest skills?
  • Design, of course but doesn’t that sound like a big black hole with a lot in it.
    • Ideation, working on various brainstorming ideas
    • Deep dive into user research, spend ample amount of time to understand thus making it for the users.
    • Agile format of work, which enables people to be responsible and answerable to the thing in hand
    • Feedback, the process being iterative we need to detach ourselves and move ahead.
Soft skills?
  • Communication, being better at keeping your ideas, views and opinions
  • Psychological flexibility, To bend our minds and speak, ability to become aware of, be present in the moment, react to things, adjust our thinking and behaviour.
  • Curiosity yet getting satisfaction thus documenting the stuff helps the overall team in longer run.
  • Listening, makes you better in perceiving the environment and then speaking off.
  • Inquisitive, asking tons of questions to understand the problem not to respond to these.
My Strengths
  • Process driven, that makes a person have the holistic view of what am i doing and achieving on to.
My Weaknesses
  • I didn’t learn much about visual design previously, But now I’m trying to attempt various problems and enable digital solutions on that.
My 'exact' role?
A Product designer focusing on the user research steps which leads to ideation part of the whole feature in the product.
What makes me interesting and enjoyable to work with?
A good Listener, I believe in thinking before reacting. That in my POV it lets all of us maintain our identity and gives us strength. I talk and communicate things clearly. I believe in being self resilient and helpful.
What fuels my creativity?
  • The process keeps me inspired to keep building upon.
  • Running, that fuels me in general.
  • Discovering new things.
To conclude, I believe it’s our job to make something which is not just functional but has emotions and invokes emotions.
What other side projects do I enjoy doing?
  • I love to dissect thing around Politics, understanding it’s functioning
  • Drawing events of my life
  • Being free flowing, explore out new social public gathering spaces.
Design Super Power?
My design superpower is that I find being “curious” plays an important role in defining the whole event for me. Continuously, bothering my mind with Why? What if?. To have curious mindset brings with playful ness and positive energy in me that works wonder with setting up a great environment around which is much more porous to all.
Being very specific the curiosity in design process helps me to be much more focusing on the user research steps which leads to ideation part of the whole feature in the product, that is what i enjoy the most and have my niche in.
I keep on adding and updating this. ✨ Why? Because as I grow, I change and evolve so does my perspective.